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Little Caesar's Pizza 

Our first fundraiser is Little Caesar's Pizza. Families love this fundraiser because it is convenient and tasty.

For each kit you sell you raise money towards your fundraising bond ($6/kit sold!  )

The easiest way to order is on the Little Caesar website. Link to online order form: 

Our promotion code is: 

Our group ID is:   

Deadline to submit orders: 

Payment:  Checks are payable to the Beausejour Skating Club.  

Don't like to order online? Hand in a paper copy with the money to a Board Member at the skating rink.  Or e-transfer us at .

Pizza Pick-up day: 

You are responsible for keeping track of your orders and getting them to the person who ordered.

More information on
upcoming fundraisers
will follow once we have
Please stay tuned! 








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