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Where does my beginner skater start?

Canskate is the first level. It is Skate Canada's flagship learn to skate program for beginners of all ages.  Classes are run in a group lesson format in a fun environment with nationally Skate Canada certified coaches and trained program assistants.  

Canskate is designed to teach balance, control and agility on skates while promotes physical fitness and encourages lifelong participation in skating. 

There are 6 canskate levels, and skaters can move through them at their own pace during the skating season.  They also receive ribbons at season end in recognition of their accomplishments during the skating year.  


What if my child doesn't want to learn to figure skate?

Can Skate is the foundation for all skating.  The fundamentals of skating are taught to prepare skaters for various sports including hockey, ringette,  figure skating,  or a lifetime of recreational skating. 

The majority of skaters going through our canskate program choose to move on to other activities.    


Do the skaters compete?

If your child does choose to move into the Figure Skating program through our Intro to Star Skate and Star Skate program there are lots of opportunities to compete close to home. 

Some skaters choose not to formally compete.  Skaters have the opportunity to do some "in house" assessments through the coaches if they choose.  

         Who are we?  

The Beausejour Skating Club (BSC) is a member of Skate Canada - Manitoba and operates under their guidelines and regulations.  

The BSC is a non profit organization run by parent volunteers and willingly accepts suggestions from all members and welcomes and suggestions and ideas.  











      Meet our Coaches



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Meet our Junior Coaches

NEW this year✨💫🌟
Please join us in welcoming our two new Junior Coaches!!  We are very excited that our Club has reached a stage where our senior skaters are moving from Program Assistants to becoming certified Canskate Coaches!
Mardi started skating at the age of 2. She has achieved a level of Star 9 in dance and Star 5 in free skate. She is now entering Grade 12 and looks forward to attending University next year. Mardi has enjoyed assisting with CanSkate over the years and is looking forward to working with the skaters this season.

       For more information contact us at:  


Register for all levels of skating here!

We offer Skate Canada programs in Beausejour.

Register Today!